Are there any fees or charges to open an account?
What is the brokerage?
Brokerage varies according to product traded. Please call us at +603-2161 0707.
What is the trading platform provided to trade futures.
We provide intuitive and easy-to-use Trading Technologies that allow access to local and global products.
What are the technical indicators available in Trading Technologies
Click here for the list of technical indicators
What are the order types available in Trading Technologies
Click here for the list of order types
Is Trading Technologies available on mobile
Yes. Access TT from your Android or iOS device
Are there any fees or charges for the trading platform?
Platform fee of RM100 is waived provided account trades 20 lots per calendar month
How can I keep my account safe.
The 2-factor authentication (optional) enable user to receive security code through SMS or registered email address.
What are the global futures products that I can trade?
Click here for products listed in Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME), Japan Exchange (JPX) and Singapore Exchange (SGX)
What are the operation hours of Yutaka Shoji
Our daily operating hours is 9.00am to 6pm daily, except weekend and public holidays
How to apply for a trading account?
You may apply online here. Alternatively, you may visit our office or call +603-2161 0707.
What are the documents required for account opening?
Copy of NRIC (both sides), and Copy of latest 3 months bank statement or latest 3 months pay slip.
Who can I call for support in opening an online trading account?
Call +603-2161 0707 or email Our personnel will guide you through the steps.
Can I have more than one online user ID to access trading platform?
Each individual is allowed one (1) User ID that allows access local and global products.
What is the initial margin required for local and global futures?
Click here for margin requirement set by each Exchange
Can I maintain open position in the event my account has a margin call?
As a general rule, margin requirement will always be applied at 100%.
Margin deficit for local and global products must be satisfied by T+3 and T+1 day respectively
Is there any interest charged on margin shortfall?
For global products, interest is 6.5% per annum calculated on daily basis.
Is there interest given for margin excess?
Yes. For surplus cash balance of RM50,000 and above.
How do I place margin deposit?
Transfer funds (Instant Transfer/Duit Now/IBG) to Yutaka Shoji Malaysia Sdn Bhd’s bank account.
Bank (RM) RHB Bank Berhad
Account Name Yutaka Shoji Malaysia Sdn Bhd
Account Number 2141 2900 3076 44
For cheque deposit, provide image of cheque and deposit slip.
How do I withdraw money from my account?
Send a request from your registered email address to Request received by 10.30am. will be processed on same day.